Welcome from the Headteacher
Welcome to Shalford Infant School! We are a small village school, with just four classes, providing education for children from two to seven years old.
Our driving force is our vision of 'Enjoying Learning Together'. This can be seen every morning when the children rush into school with smiling faces, eager to learn. The talented team of teaching staff plan a curriculum that provides memorable experiences and purposeful activities that engage children of all ages and abilities.
We have the highest expectations of our pupils and support them to grow and develop in all areas of learning. By providing a secure, happy and stimulating environment, the children develop confidence in themselves. They leave us with a very good foundation of life-long learning skills and thrive when they move on to their next schools.
Every child is special to us. As a small school, we get to know our pupils and their families very well, developing strong partnerships that work for the benefit of the children.
We hope that our website captures the spirit of the values of the school and is informative for parents. However, the best way to find out about the school is to come and see for yourselves. I would love to show you around and tell you more about what we do. Just telephone the school on 01483 562143 to arrange a visit.
Michelle Dutton